Illustrations conçues pour la refonte du site de rencontre libertin Wyylde, désireux de toucher un public plus large. L'objectif est d'aborder la sexualité sous un angle léger et décomplexé, dans le respect et le consentement, sans vulgarité ni clichés. Les illustrations possèdent des thématiques diverses, telles que l'exhibitionnisme, le candaulisme, l'échangisme, le BDSM, …
Illustrations created for the redesign of the libertine dating platform Wyylde. The aim was to rich a wider audience by showing sexuality with a light-hearted and open-minded approach, emphasizing respect and consent while avoiding vulgarity and clichés. The illustrations span various themes, including exhibitionism, cuckolding, swinging, BDSM, and more.
Illustrations created for the redesign of the libertine dating platform Wyylde. The aim was to rich a wider audience by showing sexuality with a light-hearted and open-minded approach, emphasizing respect and consent while avoiding vulgarity and clichés. The illustrations span various themes, including exhibitionism, cuckolding, swinging, BDSM, and more.
Collab, illustration
Collab, illustration